A bit Clumsy yet Snuggly Weekend.

How do you spend your weekend?

Mine is obviously a try not too attach with my bed. haha!

It's weird now because I'm easily waken up early in the morning than weekdays. I wake up far before my alarm goes on and I'm feeling refresh (or maybe it's just me thinking it's weekend, no work, just nothing). I'm currently tracking my water intake, i have this new white tumblr. I have a lot of tumblr but i can't figure it out why i need this one, I'm just loving the simple design it has.

Do you always start your day with making bed? I do. It doesn't feel right if I just leave my bed as it is because making bed always be my first checked to do list.

Do you do your laundry at morning or anytime? Well, I'm prefer do the laundry in the morning before i go to shower but if it's weekdays, i may do the laundry at night before i go to bed.

And don't forget, weekend means i have more time to take care of my plants. In today's weekend I just did repotting my burle marx because the roots kinda crazy. I read about plants are ready to repotting when their roots come out from the pot like crazy. I also chopped my monstera into the propagating vase, honestly this is my first time propagating a monstera, I hope it didn't fail me. I added some plants food into the water.

Here comes the rain.

Then, the rain didn't stop until 10 pm. I'm kinda craving for some green mussels, but the stand was closed. I came home with.......nothing. Let's just get some food delivery then.

I am too clumsy!

I ordered a noodles and somehow i accidentally spilled the broth to.....my bed sheet. Yep, I am doing the laundry at night and also mopped the floor. I also spilled a bit of soap and my propagating water. I just laugh on what happened to me in just an hour. Whatever happened to my weekend, I'm glad i feel alive.

Have a good weekend!




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