Three Weeks of Holiday, Family Gatherings, and Running Out of Papers

Yes, I was taking a holiday with my family in Bontang. Didn't have any plan to go to another places, i just want to meet my family cause this holiday gonna be my shortest holiday before deadlines hitting me up. 3 Weeks of holiday in my hometown is so....if u know what i feel, but i didn’t have any chances so i end up maximized every time i have.

First week of Holiday. 
I spent my time gathering with all my high school friends, classmates, and of course my pal. Meet my pal, Fafa, he is the student of network and multimedia engineering who loves to make lots of vlog.
Also, in the first week i’m already running out of watercolor paper (and also the mix-media papers -_-) so i have to stop painting for a while for the sake of saving.

Second week of Holiday.
Time really flew so damn fast. I didn’t even care wherever i went to whatever i did, the time is not enough. On Monday of the second week i went to a break-fasting with my classmates (such an old friends gathering). And oh yes, we wore our high school uniform, literally. I wore my high school skirt and it still fits on me! haha how funny, i though i was not. Because i'm getting fat(oops). All hail the Amira's camera, we got some "beautiful" photos during the party.

Held on one of my friend's house in the middle of the sea(literally sea.) but dont worry, the house is not literally floating above the water, but it has lots of pillars below the house to sustain the house. With beautiful sunset views, wind blew slowly, and lots of tasty foods we had joy thru the party to end this Ramadan month.

Four days in Balikpapan increased me in running out of paper! I found no canson paper in Balikpapan so bac to my first plan: stop painting for a while. I brought my mix-media papers from canson and it came into this

Captured this before leaving Balikpapan

Third week of Holiday.
Nothing's special, still dealing with the fact that i'm running out of paper. ugh! 

oh yes, i went to Ladaya in Tenggarong. Ladaya is kind of culture park which it has a lot of traditional cabin arranged neatly. Can't stand for the heat of the sun, i bought a popsicle even i knew it would melts easily.

Days by days i just spent all my days by practicing my watercolor skill and brush lettering. Yep, im so new into this so practicing would help me, a lot.

And finally, i had to go back into my typical college life. Even i left earlier than my friends cause a lot of duties should be done. 3 weeks are not enough to spent my time in this small, full of memories-town.

Love Back,


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